If you're looking for an easy way to earn funds for your school or non-profit organization, look no further! Whenever your supporters book an adventure at Diablo Escapes using your special code, you get 10%! Multi-Day fundraisers can last up to a month! No other coordination or work required.. just promote your fundraiser and get a check! Players ages 10 & up.
We know auctions are big for some schools, we want to support you by providing vouchers to our great games! If you're inquiring about a school auction, just email info@diabloescapes.com and provide your name, phone number, school / organization, and your deadline.
Fill out this form with information about your fundraiser and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If we accept your application for a multi-day fundraiser, we will email you a custom code that you can distribute to your group. They must use this special code when booking online in order for their booking to count towards your fundraiser.
Get a check or vouchers from Diablo Escapes!